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Steve Ladurantaye leaving CBC for Scottish broadcaster STV

Media | 10/15/2018 12:52 pm EDT

Steve Ladurantaye leaving CBC for Scottish broadcaster STVSteve Ladurantaye is leaving CBC/Radio-Canada after two and a half years at CBC News for a top management post at the Scottish broadcaster STV Group PLC., CBC employees were told in an internal memo sent out Monday. Ladurantaye becomes the new head of news and current...

TVO program to stream on Periscope in Canadian first

Media | 01/16/2017 5:40 pm EST

Starting Monday, Twitter Inc.’s live-streaming app will host a nightly showing of a Canadian media program for the first time. The Agenda with Steve Paikin, a current affairs program produced by the publicly funded educational TV station TVO, will stream on Twitter’s Periscope, according to a Monday press release. It said the show would air Monday through Friday at 8 p.m. EST. “Streaming via Periscope on Twitter is a natural evolution to extend The Agenda experience to include more participative interaction,” the press...

Jennifer Hollett joins Twitter Canada

Media | 08/22/2016 4:07 pm EDT

Twitter Inc.’s Canadian division announced Monday it had hired Jennifer Hollett as the company’s new head of news and government. Hollett, who began her new role Monday, stepped into the...