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Cogeco hires lobbyist with wireless spectrum expertise

telecom | 07/03/2018 11:54 am EDT

Cogeco hires lobbyist with wireless spectrum expertiseAmir Bigloo, who has a history of successful spectrum purchases as CEO of Corridor Communications Inc. (CCI), recently began lobbying on behalf of Cogeco Inc. during a period that saw the telecom vie for more wireless spectrum. The Kian Telecom Inc. CEO joined Cogeco as...

SWIFT takes fibre goals to the Hill

Media | 02/21/2018 5:57 pm EST

SWIFT takes fibre goals to the HillOver six years after it was established, a government-funded non-profit initiative seeking to deliver fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) to about a quarter of Ontario’s — and 10 per cent of Canada’s — population is registered to lobby the government for the first time. The...