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RoW Short Takes

News | 10/16/2000 4:00 am EDT

SiGEM provides software to iSO.LINK for payment system
Kanata ON-based SiGEM Inc and iSO.LINK are teaming up to provide web-based transaction and ATM payment services to SiGEM’s ePing Enterprise customers in the ground transportation industry. SiGEM will provide the software that iSO.LINK needs to become an application service provider to those customers. The first installation of the network and services will be a fleet of taxi cabs in Chicago. They will incorporate SiGEM’s newest products including its Internet-enabled mobile data terminals. The contract is valued at about $650,000 which includes the equipment and software licensing. The company has also entered into an agreement with STMicroelectronics of Boston to collaborate on the development of GPS systems for potential customers in North America. The two companies anticipate that the extension of their longstanding relationship will lead to the marketing of solutions including text-to-speech for in-vehicle navigation.

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