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UPDATED: CPAC CEO says they need increase in funding to maintain core operations beyond September 2026

Cable Public Affairs Channel Inc., also known as CPAC, says it needs an increase to the money it receives through a wholesale fee to keep its core operations going as normal beyond September 2026.  CPAC CEO Christa Dickenson told The Wire Report in an interview that she has been working on how to tackle...


Nine companies finish ISED’s residual spectrum auction with total of 56 licences

A residual spectrum auction run by the department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) brought in $5.61 million in revenue, as 56 licences out of the 225 available were awarded to nine companies.  The majority of the licences were won in the auction, which ended July 19, by...


UPDATED: CPAC CEO says they need increase in funding to maintain core operations beyond September 2026

Cable Public Affairs Channel Inc., also known as CPAC, says it needs an increase to the money it receives through a wholesale fee to keep its core operations going as normal beyond September 2026.  CPAC CEO Christa Dickenson told The Wire Report in an interview that she has been working on how to tackle...

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