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CCR Short Takes

News | 06/07/2001 4:00 am EDT

Colville says CRTC review of security provisions completed
CRTC chair David Colville says proper document shredding and better security provisions at the commission have been implemented following an internal review sparked by the leak of a confidential list of digital specialty channels last year (CCR, Dec. 7/00). "We didn’t have an investigation in terms of trying to find out who had done it (the leak). We just took a look at our own security procedures – that’s as simple as how do you handle protected information," he said. "We have a procedure at the commission for protected information where it is supposed to be put in a container to be shredded at the end of the day. What has been happening is that some people have been throwing it in their blue bins for recycling. …We also looked at the security locks that are on the doors." He adds, "A lot of time, it’s just a question of reminding people (about the security procedures)."

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