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CNM Short Takes

Broadcast | June 14, 2001

Jump Copyright hearings a go
Not surprisingly, the Copyright Board of Canada has flexed its regulatory muscles and asserted its intention to continue with JumpTV hearings. The process, set for this fall, will determine if JumpTV.com Canada Inc qualifies as a re-transmitter, and how much of a tariff it should pay if it does. A newly-announced hearing to examine the Copyright Act, by Industry Canada and Canadian Heritage, hasn’t dissuaded the Copyright Board from going ahead with its own process, despite a request to do so by the CFTPA and CAB (CNM, May 31/01). The board’s decision not to stay hearings was foreshadowed last December when it asserted in no uncertain terms that it would not send the matter to Federal Court. Board members used strong language in that decision to assert their jurisdiction in the matter (CNM, Jan.24/01).

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