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Bell’s strong support for licensing Internet retransmitters surprises observers

News | 09/18/2002 4:00 am EDT

A lame duck CRTC process on Internet retransmission (PN 2002-38) has become significantly more interesting in the wake of a submission by telecom titan Bell Canada that advocates removing companies such as JumpTV.com Canada Inc. from the ambit of Bill C-48 and putting them under the "light-handed" regulation of the commission and allowing them to take advantage of compulsory licensing. The position is tantamount to tacit support for the activities of Jump and the former iCraveTV.com Inc. in retransmitting over-the-air signals via the Internet, and has industry observers anticipating blood on the floor as Canada’s most influential telco goes toe-to-toe with the previously unstoppable broadcasters.

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