NL People
News | 05/20/2003 4:00 am EDT
As part of the reorganization of BCE and Bell Canada, Pierre Blouin has been named group president-consumer markets at Bell. His position as CEO of BCE Emergis has been taken over by Tony Gaffney, former president/CEO of Bell Nexxia. The former president of Bell Canada, John Sheridan, is now group president for business markets. His job at Bell has been eliminated. Reporting to him will be Karen Sheriff, the ex-chief marketing officer, who is in charge of the small and medium business unit; and former Bell Nordiq Group Inc. president/CEO Isabelle Courville, who will run the enterprise division. A replacement for Courville at Bell Nordiq will be announced soon. Terry Mosey, the past president of Bell Ontario, will be in charge of customer operations, reporting to Sheridan. Bell Quebec chief Guy Marier will work with BCE CEO Michael Sabia until December, when Marier will retire from the company.
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