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CNM Update

Broadcast | June 4, 2003

ARIM confirms winners of research funding
The CANARIE Inc./Canadian Heritage Applied Research in Interactive Media (ARIM) Program announced nine funding winners at the Canadian New Media Awards on June 2. As reported by Canadian NEW MEDIA, Acadia University, APR Inc., Immersion Studios, Live Wires Inc., and Sonic Designs Inc. were each recipients of part of the $1.5 million disbursed from the fund in this round (CNM, May 30/03). Two programs listed by CNM as being led by MMSG Inc. are actually being led by Delvinia Interactive Inc., formerly a subsidiary of MMSG. Two other projects, not on a leaked list of winners published by CNM last week, were also included. Ryerson University and Video Verite Artist Centre were both included. The projects not described in CNM are as follows:

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