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CNM Update

Broadcast | September 3, 2003

International ISPs seek leave to intervene in Tariff 22 case
A group of powerful Internet service providers has asked the Supreme Court of Canada for the right to intervene in the Tariff 22 case now before the highest court (CNM, April 3/03). The consortium making the application, dated August 22, includes associations counting AT&T, BellSouth Corp., SBC Communications Inc., as well as companies belonging to the European Internet Service Providers’ Association, ETNO, EuroISPA, and Australia’s and Japan’s national Internet industry groups. In arguing for a place at the table, the consortium says: “The applicants are uniquely positioned to provide a fresh and distinct perspective to the Supreme Court regarding the nature and extent of the harm the decision would cause foreign ISPs and their customers, and the inconsistencies between the result in the Court of Appeal and well-developed legal rules regarding caching liability in place in other countries.” Further details will be available in next week’s issue of Canadian NEW MEDIA.

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