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RoW People

News | 10/21/2003 4:00 am EDT

The International Institute of Telecommunications (IIT) made two appointments last week. Rogers Wireless Inc. president and CEO Nadir Mohamed has been appointed to the board of governors, while Jean Laporte, president, Eastern Canada of Rogers Wireless, has been named to the IIT’s board of directors. In other Rogers Wireless personnel changes, the company has appointed Murna Dalton as VP corporate sales for the Ontario Region. Not only will she be responsible for a corporate sales strategy for the region, she will also play a pivotal role in rolling out the company’s national corporate sales strategy. She has more than 20 years experience, having served at CGI Group Inc., SGI Inc. and Bell Canada. Suzanne McMeans also joins Rogers Wireless as manager corporate communications. Having worked in public relations for more than eight years, she joins the company from CGI Group. She also managed her full-service public relations shop.

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