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Broadcast industry forms coalition to lobby government on CTF

News | 02/13/2004 5:00 am EST

Adiverse coalition of broadcast industry players has coalesced to lobby the federal government to reinstate its $100 million in support for the Canadian Television Fund (CTF). "The decision in last spring’s federal budget to reduce the government’s direct support to Canada’s producers threatens our Canadian identity, and Canada’s place in the world. In 2003-04, the fund will be facing a $37.5 million shortfall from traditional levels. This is expected to result in a loss of 277 hours of Canadian programs, 2,400 jobs, and $88 million in production," writes the new CTF Renewal Coalition in a February 5 letter to Finance Minister Ralph Goodale. "We need the government to reinstate its historical support of $100 million a year to the CTF on a long-term, stable basis. We also need the government to work with us to develop an action plan that will sustain this vital industry."

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