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Corus to launch worldwide kids TV channel this fall

Briefs | 04/04/2007 11:30 am EDT

UK-based Sparrowhead Media, DIC Entertainment of Burbank CA, and Corus Entertainment Inc.'s Nelvana Enterprises have announced a joint venture to launch KidsCo, a 24/7 multi-platform global television channel for children and families. The first launch of KidsCo is anticipated this fall in central and eastern Europe. Other premieres will take place over the next two years in about 40 territories across Europe, Latin America and Asia Pacific. The channel will feature animated and live-action series and feature-length movies from various independent providers as well as DIC and Nelvana. "This alliance draws on the collective expertise of the best in the business, said David Hulbert, Sparrowhawk Media's CEO, "and the libraries of our content partners contain some of the world's most popular children's programming."

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