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Ottawa company to be acquired by Alcatel-Lucent

Briefs | 04/04/2007 12:52 pm EDT

Alcatel-Lucent has reached an agreement to acquire Ottawa's Tropic Networks Inc., including all of its intellectual property. "Through this transaction, we are strengthening our value proposition for photonic networks with innovative solutions that complete both cable and telecom service providers' requirements," said Romano Valussi, president of Alcatel-Lucent's Optics unit. The relationship between the two companies has been building since 2004, and Tropic Networks CEO Kevin Rankin says he is pleased to see the company join the Alcatel-Lucent team. "Our vision of a fully flexible and scalable optical network is finding a further expansion with the Alcatel-Lucent's advanced product portfolio and new opportunities to bring technology advancements to the market," he said.

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