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New Telesat satellite blasts off from Kazakhstan

Briefs | 04/11/2007 11:01 am EDT

In the early morning hours on April 10, Ottawa-based Telesat Canada launched the new Anik F3 satellite from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The Anik F3 separated from the upper stage of the Proton/Breeze M rocket and its signal was acquired by Telesat's tracking station in Perth, Australia about nine hours later. The satellite will provide broadcasting and telecommunications capacity and business communications throughout North America. "Anik F3 will make substantial financial and operational contributions to Telesat going forward and underscores our dedication to growing our business and providing robust and reliable satellite services to citizens throughout Canada and the rest of North America," said president and CEO Dan Goldberg. Manufactured by EADS Astrium, the Anik F3 is Telesat's second European-built satellite and represents the company's 17th successful satellite launch.

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