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Yak offers unique takeaway as part of AGO event

Briefs | 04/13/2007 11:01 am EDT

Globalive Communications Corp. subsidiary Yak Communications Corp. has announced its plan to sponsor "Are On The Go," a multimedia presentation showcasing exhibited artists and musicians, and provide free long distance for every attendee of the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) Massive Party. Guests with Bluetooth-enabled phones can download the presentation onto their wireless device free of charge. "Supporting arts education and programs in Canada is a cultural responsibility," said Anthony Lacavera, Globalive and Yak's chair and CEO. Yak will be providing 60 minutes of free long distance calling for each guest. As well a text-to-win contest will award one attendee a year of free long distance on their cell phones from yakCell and a one-year family membership for the AGO.

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