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iStockphoto to wallpaper UK mobile phones

Briefs | 04/23/2007 2:13 pm EDT

Getty Images subsidiary iStockphoto has selected AMUSE Entertainment Group BV to take its stock photography images into the mobile sector. During the pilot phase of the project, which will be launched in the UK, mobile users will be able to download wallpapers from a selection of 5,000 images from Calgary-based iStockphoto's library. Mobile phone subscribers on the 3, Orange, O2, T-Mobile, Virgin Mobile and Vodafone networks can download these wallpapers from iStockphoto's website and they will be delivered via mobile transaction network mBlox. "People want their gadgets to feel uniquely theirs, including their mobile phones," said Garth Johnson, the VP of business development at iStockphoto. The project rollout starts this month and will be expanded to Canada and the US based on the success of the pilot.

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