ACTRA not surprised by lack of culture in throne speech
Brief | October 19, 2007
While the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) says it's not surprised there was no mention of culture or the future of Canada's film and television industry in the Conservative government's throne speech, the industry association continues to be disappointed by the lack of action in that regard. "The Harper government is clearly prepping for an election" said Stephen Waddell, ACTRA national executive director, in a press release. "By failing to even mention culture, let alone provide necessary support for our industry, the throne speech also shows that the Tories continue to have no interest in supporting Canadian culture. The continued inaction of this government to positively address our media industry issues is seriously jeopardizing the future of Canadian culture." ACTRA also believes the talk from Tory ministers about relaxing foreign ownership limits for Canadian media companies, as well as the diminishing presence of Canadian drama on our television screens and chronic under funding of our cultural institutions all point to a future in which Canadians have no voice.
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