American’s want more international TV content
Brief | October 28, 2007
A recent In-Stat survey of US consumers reveals that 44% of urban females, 52% of urban males, and 44% of suburban males say they are not getting enough international content from their US television programming services. Filling this need, reports In-Stat, could be a straightforward path to increasing viewing hours among key demographics. Consider that about 30% of the survey respondents said they were light television viewers, with their TV set on for less than four hours a day, and 35.6% of households with incomes greater than US$100,00 per year are likely to be light viewers as well. In-Stat reports that both female and male light viewers are among those who do not feel they are getting enough international content on TV. "Advertisers are constantly working to attract young males," reads the In-Stat press release. "[Our] survey shows that broadcasters and Subscription TV services could deliver this vital demographic by bringing in more international programming and content."
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