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Even Tech finds solution for encoding live events over IP

Briefs | 12/06/2007 6:32 pm EST

Vancouver-based IPTV and streaming video technology provider Even Technologies Inc. has released what it is calling the industry's answer to encoding live events for IP broadcast. The dme 700P uses Even's advanced compression technology to encode video at one-third the bitrate required by broadcast technologies like H.264, MPEG-4 and Windows Media 9. As part of several deployments in the US, a telephone company is streaming live, full-screen broadcasts from its headend in Hawaii to viewers in London, Beijing, Atlanta, Vladivostok, Johannesburg, Melbourne, Delhi and New York. In addition to the streaming server functions included in the new encoder, Even has invented an innovative delivery system for broadcasting live events on the Internet, allowing viewers to experience broadcast TV on their PC's regardless of their location.

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