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On outages, Rogers exec calls for ‘regulatory humility’ at CRTC

News | 11/23/2022 2:37 pm EST
On outages, Rogers exec calls for 'regulatory humility' at CRTC
Regulatory blockbuster panel at the 2022 Canadian Telecom Summit. L to R: Moderator Ed Antecol, Rogers chief regulatory officer Ted Woodhead, Iristel CEO Samer Bishay, CNOC executive director Geoff White, Telus VP telecom policy Stephen Schmidt, and Cogeco VP regulatory affairs Paul Beaudry./ photo by Jenna Cocullo

MISSISSAUGA – When it comes to CRTC chair Ian Scott’s Monday announcement of the regulator’s upcoming proceeding on network outages, Rogers Communications Inc.’s chief regulatory officer Ted Woodhead said that the CRTC needed to demonstrate “regulatory humility.”

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