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OPINION: When the dust settles on the CRTC’s ‘path forward’, will Canada have a better broadcasting system?

News | 08/04/2023 6:21 pm EDT
OPINION: When the dust settles on the CRTC’s ‘path forward’, will Canada have a better broadcasting system?
Monica Auer executive director of FRPC.

By Monica Auer, executive director, Forum for Research and Policy in Communications 

On May 12, the CRTC announced the first of a three-step process to implement Bill C-11, the Online Streaming Act, which had entered into force two weeks earlier. The first step consists of a trifecta of CRTC public consultations – consultation notices 2023-138, -139 and -140 – dealing with “the contributions that broadcasting undertakings … will be required to make to support the creation, distribution, promotion and discoverability of Canadian and Indigenous audio and video content”.  

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