The CRTC is asking for comment on renewals of licences held by 10 broadcasters. It said in a notice Thursday that some of the radio stations seeking renewal were previously found to be in non-compliance with their regulatory requirements and were renewed for short-term periods as a result. “The Commission notes the serious and, in some cases, recurring nature of those instances of apparent non-compliance in the current licence term,” it said. That includes Parrsoboro Radio Society’s CICR-FM in Parrsboro, N.S., as well as CFOR-FM, a commercial radio station in Maniwaki,...
The CRTC said Tuesday it is reviewing applications for licence renewals from three radio stations that have been cited in the past for not complying with licence terms. The commission said in a notice posted on its website that all three stations were identified for non-compliance in previous terms and were operating on shorter-than-usual licence renewals, which expire Aug. 31, so that an earlier review could take place. The stations in question include CPAM Radio Inc.'s CJWI, an ethnic radio station in Montreal, which had been identified of not living up to commitments for...