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Second petition to reverse aboriginal radio decision filed by VMS

Media | 08/09/2017 1:07 pm EDT

VMS Media Group Ltd. has filed the second petition to cabinet asking the government to overturn the CRTC’s decision on licences for operating urban aboriginal radio stations, following a July appeal by an Ontario-based group. In the petition to governor-in-council dated July 28, VMS — which applied for two licences in Calgary and Edmonton, Alta. — argued that not only does the decision to award the licences to the Aboriginal Multi-Media Society of Alberta (AMMSA) fail to...

Aboriginal radio licence decision ‘major disappointment’: Wawatay

Media | 06/14/2017 6:06 pm EDT

The CRTC has approved five urban radio licences in markets across the country to serve Aboriginal peoples, a decision one Ontario Aboriginal radio station said will result in fewer hours, and less diversity, of Aboriginal-language content in Ottawa and Toronto than its application would have provided. The decision, handed down Wednesday, came after a three-day hearing in March and after the regulator revoked licences for Aboriginal Voices Radio Inc. in 2015 to serve those communities....