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Ontario telco complains about unregistered cableco competitor

telecom | 12/18/2012 6:17 pm EST

Execulink Telecom Inc., an incumbent telco in Southern Ontario, asked the CRTC to stop a local cableco competitor from offering “unauthorized” telephone services. In an application filed with the commission on Monday, Execulink said cableco Nor-Del Cablevision Ltd. is offering local, IP-based telephone services in Norwich and Otterville, Ont., though it did not first register with the CRTC as a telephone carrier. It said this means the cableco did not agree to the commission’s rules for phone carriers and suggested it could impact important features like emergency 911 services. Execulink asked the commission to order Nor-Del to stop offering the telephone services until it becomes a registered telephone carrier and to review the file on an expedited basis. The deadline...