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Radio interference, 5G delays raised in new spectrum tier consult

telecom | 02/26/2019 6:10 pm EST

Radio interference, 5G delays raised in new spectrum tier consultBCE Inc., Shaw Communications Inc., and Quebecor Inc. are warning against a proposed new smaller spectrum licensing tier, while smaller players and other interested groups...

Rogers, Bell add junk food bill concerns to lobby efforts

Media | 04/25/2018 2:54 pm EDT

Rogers, Bell add junk food bill concerns to lobby effortsRogers Communications Inc. and BCE Inc. have registered to lobby the government on proposed Senate legislation, now moving through the House, to quell the impact of junk food advertising on children, joining critics who lobbied heavily in March about the bill they say will...

ISED PS Lametti hot property for April lobbying

Media | 05/23/2017 3:30 pm EDT

ISED PS Lametti hot property for April lobbyingThe parliamentary secretary to the innovation minister was a popular target for lobbyists last month, as...