GATINEAU, Que. — The CRTC’s two-week wireless policy review kicked off with a detailed questioning of one of the few parties to promote a middle-of-the-road solution for mandating MVNO access to incumbent infrastructure.
Competition Bureau representatives told a panel...
Wind Mobile is looking to make LTE service available to at least some of its customers by the end of next year, after announcing it has borrowed $425 million to help it do so. On Thursday, Wind issued a press release that indicated it has secured a new financing package worth $425 million that involves backing from Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bank of Montreal and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Also involved is Finnverva, the export credit agency of Finland, where the technology provider for Wind's network upgrade, Nokia Corp., is based. Wind said said the money secured would...
Devicescape Software Inc. is a California-based company that is trying to sell wireless carriers on the potential of using the multitude of free WiFi hotspots in existence to their benefit. The...