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Google building smart community in Toronto

telecom | 10/18/2017 8:46 pm EDT

Google building smart community in TorontoAlphabet Inc.’s Sidewalk Labs have won a City of Toronto request for proposals to create a development plan called Sidewalk Toronto, which aims to design a high-tech neighbourhood with smart city infrastructure on an 800-acre piece of Toronto’s eastern waterfront. The...

Google reaches deal with French publishers

Media | 02/04/2013 9:06 pm EST

Google Inc. reached an agreement with a group of publishers in France that involves the company creating a 60-million euro fund to support digital media publishing initiatives for French readers, Google said on its blog Feb. 1. Nathalie Collin, president of l’Association de la presse politique et d'intérêt generale (IPG), Marc Schwartz, a French-government appointed negotiator, and Carlo D’Asaro Biondo, head of Google for Southern and Eastern Europe, negotiated the deal, Le Figaro reported Saturday.  Google CEO Eric Schmidt met with French President Francois...