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Fraudsters cashing in on pandemic, committee told

telecom | 05/20/2020 8:05 pm EDT

Interference related to 2019 election 'very likely': CSEThe Canadian Anti Fraud Centre has received almost 1000 complaints about fraud attempts related to COVID-19 since the beginning of March, the RCMP’s assistant commissioner of federal policing criminal operations Eric Slinn told a Parliamentary committee Wednesday....

Fraud, nuisance calls will ‘never go away’: CRTC chairman

Media | 03/10/2020 6:17 pm EDT

CRTC changes position on MVNOs, proposes mandated accessOTTAWA — Calls are only a part of the problem of nuisance and fraudulent communications in Canada, CRTC chairman Ian Scott told a Parliamentary committee Tuesday, while industry representatives said tackling the issue will require a multi-pronged approach.  During a...