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Conservatives would reject mergers impacting competition: O’Toole

telecom | 09/07/2021 5:14 pm EDT

Conservatives would reject mergers impacting competition: O’TooleConservative Party leader Erin O’Toole said during a press conference on cell phone and internet affordability Tuesday that his party would stand against mergers that could...

Back to Parliament: your (pandemic) preview

Media | 09/22/2020 12:43 pm EDT

TrudeuCabinetRetreat2020Given the precarious situation around the now-escalating COVID-19 pandemic, what will actually be included in Wednesday’s speech from the throne, and in the government’s priorities in the following weeks, is more uncertain than ever. With a day to go, even the details of...

Bernier would streamline CBC’s mandate, remove ads as CPC leader

Media | 11/23/2016 9:22 pm EST

OTTAWA — Conservative MP Maxime Bernier said Wednesday that if he is selected as the next leader of the federal Conservative Party and the next Canadian prime minister, he would move...