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Fabio Banducci leaving Cogeco

telecom | 11/12/2013 5:45 pm EST

Cogeco Cable Inc. said Tuesday that Fabio Banducci is leaving his post as co-CEO of its subsidiary Peer1 Hosting, a provider of IT hosting and communications technology services. The resignation is effective Dec. 18, at which time Peer1’s other co-CEO, Gary Sherlock, will assume the role of sole president and CEO. Cogeco Cable, which announced the deal to buy Peer1 late last year, said Banducci was leaving to “refocus on other opportunities.” "While it is difficult for me to part with such an excellent team, it reassures me to do so, leaving Peer1 Hosting in the very competent hands of my colleague and friend Gary, with the support of the entire leadership team at Cogeco Cable," Banducci said in a release issued by Cogeco Cable....