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BTLR panel timetable ‘unaffected’ by member exit

Media | 07/17/2019 4:03 pm EDT

Despite being “saddened” by the exit of one of its members, the panel reviewing Canada’s communications laws said it was forging ahead with its final recommendations, due in January 2020. Hank Intven, a lawyer and professor at the University of Victoria, confirmed in an email that he has left the panel for “personal reasons.” His departure was effective as of June 28. The panel is now down to six members. The exit follows the release of the panel’s “what we heard” report in late June, which outlined the submissions it received that will influence its final recommendations...

Experts to ‘find solutions’ in broadcast, telecom review: Joly

Media | 06/05/2018 8:10 pm EDT

Experts to ‘find solutions’ in broadcast, telecom review: JolyOTTAWA — The expert panel appointed by the federal government to spearhead its review of the Telecommunications Act and Broadcasting Act will have to figure out how to...