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Wawatay seeking appeal of Aboriginal radio licence decision

Media | 06/21/2017 5:04 pm EDT

Wawatay seeking appeal of Aboriginal radio licence decisionOTTAWA — Wawatay Native Communications Society will ask for an appeal of the CRTC’s recent decision on five licences for Aboriginal radio stations, calling the decision to award the two Ontario licences to First Peoples Radio Inc. (FPR) — a new radio arm of Aboriginal...

Increase indigenous representation at CRTC, conference hears

Media | 06/19/2017 5:18 pm EDT

Increase indigenous representation at CRTC, conference hearsOTTAWA — All of the country’s cultural institutions need a rethink when it comes to reflecting the reality of aboriginal people in Canada, an indigenous broadcasting conference heard Saturday, with ideas ranging from creating a dedicated office at the CRTC, to...

Aboriginal radio licence decision ‘major disappointment’: Wawatay

Media | 06/14/2017 6:06 pm EDT

The CRTC has approved five urban radio licences in markets across the country to serve Aboriginal peoples, a decision one Ontario Aboriginal radio station said will result in fewer hours, and less...

CRTC considers future of Aboriginal radio in Ont., Alta. and B.C.

Media | 03/30/2017 9:03 pm EDT

A typically competitive process, disseminating new applications for radio licences seemed to take on a more culturally significant connotation for the CRTC as it navigated a three-day public hearing...

Address diversity gaps when filling CRTC roles, minister told

Media | 01/17/2017 9:52 pm EST

Filling all 13 spots allotted to CRTC commissioners could go a long way in addressing what some are calling decades of ongoing disparity between the demographics of those who make decisions about the...