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Rogers, Fido customers facing wireless outage

telecom | 04/19/2021 6:06 pm EDT

Rogers aims to improve churn, ‘reset’ enterprise divisionRogers Communications Inc. is in the midst of a wireless outage, with reports of service dropping early Monday morning.  “Some wireless customers are experiencing an intermittent service interruption for wireless voice and data services. Our team is working quickly to...

Rogers expands early 5G rollout

telecom | 09/01/2020 6:04 pm EDT

Rogers Communications Inc. Tuesday announced a flurry of expansions to its 5G network, extending coverage to new cities and towns in British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Quebec.  In January, Rogers announced it was beginning its 5G rollout in Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal, while today's announcement extends the faster wireless speeds to another 50 towns and cities.  “Strong digital infrastructure and investments in 5G are critical to fuel productivity and innovation across this country now, as we power out of COVID-19, and in the future as we reset the competitive landscape for Canada, globally,” Rogers CEO Joe Natale said in a release.  Rogers is currently deploying 5G services on the 600 MHz and 2.5 GHz spectrum, having spent some $1.7 billion on the former band at an auction in 2019.  Experts told The...

Freedom open to network-sharing with Rogers, president says

telecom | 05/24/2019 6:09 pm EDT

Freedom open to network-sharing with Rogers, president saysAs Shaw Communications Inc. continues to expand its Freedom Mobile brand, a...