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Telus leads in end-of-summer lobbying activity

Media | 09/25/2017 5:31 pm EDT

Telus offering communication service for doctorsTelus Corp. was far and away the busiest industry stakeholder when it came to reportable lobbying activity with the federal government last month, filing a total of 16 communication reports in August — twice as many as lobbying runner-up Rogers Communications Inc....

Marques out, Cairo in as Bains’ chief of staff

telecom | 09/13/2017 4:23 pm EDT

Marques out, Cairo in as Bains’ chief of staffInnovation Minister Navdeep Bains has a new chief of staff following internal personnel shuffles. On Twitter Wednesday, Bains announced Gianluca Cairo — who has served as the chief of staff to the minister of public services and procurement since December 2015,...