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Facebook targets procedural fairness at OPC in court filing

Media | 04/27/2020 5:16 pm EDT

International legislators flag regulatory options for data giantsFacebook Inc.'s request that Federal Court throw out a report from the federal Office of the Privacy Commissioner may highlight the issue of procedural fairness within the OPC, and could be a preview of what the social media giant will want in any update to privacy law,...

OPC takes Facebook to Federal Court

telecom | 02/06/2020 2:17 pm EST

International legislators flag regulatory options for data giantsThe Office the Privacy Commissioner has filed a much-anticipated notice of application in Federal Court against Facebook Inc., some nine months after the OPC announced that the social media giant had violated the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents...

Experts say there is no road map for a Facebook-OPC court fight

Media | 05/01/2019 4:17 pm EDT

Experts say there is no road map for a Facebook-OPC court fightIf the Office of the Privacy Commissioner takes Facebook Inc. to Federal...

Bring border privacy issues under NAFTA: Geist

telecom | 10/02/2017 3:23 pm EDT

Bring border privacy issues under NAFTA: GeistBecause some aspects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) raise privacy concerns, the...