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Kingston politicians urge Corus to roll back layoffs

Media | 07/26/2024 11:52 am EDT

MP Mark Gerretsen speaks with reporters in the House of Commons foyer before Question Period on Nov. 23, 2023.A federal MP and a member of the Ontario legislature from Kingston, Ont. have sent a joint letter to Corus Entertainment Inc. decrying its recent string of layoffs. Because of the cutbacks, Corus no longer has local voices on Kingston radio and several positions were slashed...

Bill C-11 a new bill with no new ideas, and a ‘legal pretzel’ for censorship: CPC

Media | 03/01/2022 5:05 pm EST

ARIN asks Parliament to require ISPs to maintain Whois infoFor the second time in the span of a year, the Liberal government has introduced a new bill to update Canada’s broadcasting act but “what it doesn't bring is new ideas,”...