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CRTC rejects GATPE appeal

telecom | 12/07/2012 9:01 pm EST

The CRTC denied a GATPE Services request to review and vary its August decision to allow Dellvoice.ca and the Fibernetics Group of Companies to continue offering free telephone services in the Montreal market. In a Dec. 4 letter to GATPE’s owner, Max May, the CRTC’s executive director of telecommunications, Chris Seidl, said the commission closed its file on GATPE’s request, which was submitted earlier this month to protest the commission’s decision in August. GATPE operates a voice over Internet protocol service at Miniphone.ca. Seidl said the commission’s decision was made unanimously by a quorum of commissioners and that “all elements and principles on the record in the original application were fully considered by the Commission in rendering its decision.”...