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Bell adds Toronto production studio to its portfolio

Media | 03/29/2018 4:03 pm EDT

Bell adds Toronto production studio to its portfolioBCE Inc. 's media division has purchased a majority stake in a Toronto production studio, according to a release on Thursday. Pinewood Toronto Studios is a 33.5 acre facility located near the Port Lands, and has one of the largest sound stages in North America,...

Bell partners with GroupM to create original series

Media | 09/11/2017 4:19 pm EDT

Bell partners with GroupM to create original seriesBCE Inc.’s Bell Media Studios is partnering with media agency holding company GroupM’s Motion Content Group (MCG) to create original programming aimed at an international market. “Working together, Bell Media Studios and Motion Content Group will develop, fund, and...

Bell Media promotes Stewart Johnston as Stuart Garvie departs

Media | 09/07/2017 2:13 pm EDT

Bell Media promotes Stewart Johnston as Stuart Garvie departsBCE Inc.’s media division announced Thursday three of its executives...

Bell Media makes two VP appointments

Media | 01/16/2014 10:13 pm EST

BCE Inc.’s Bell Media division on Thursday announced Nanci MacLean as the new vice-president of production and Justin Stockman as the vice-president of specialty channels. The company said in a press release the...