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PKP proposes 20 per cent base contribution for foreign online platforms at CRTC hearings

Media | 11/21/2023 4:59 am EST

PKP proposes 20 per cent base contribution for foreign online platforms at CRTC hearingsThe long-awaited hearing on how the CRTC should implement the Online Streaming Act, particularly if online streaming services should make a base financial contribution to...

Two new CRTC commissioners appointed

Media | 06/25/2020 6:14 pm EDT

New Brunswick lawyer Ellen Desmond and former journalist Nirmala Naidoo are joining the CRTC for five-year commissioner terms, the federal government announced Thursday. Desmond, who will serve as the regional member for Atlantic and Nunavut, is currently the director of legal and administration with the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board, and will replace Christopher MacDonald on the commission. MacDonald’s term ended this month. Naidoo, who was a journalist with several Canadian and international broadcasters, most recently worked for environmental charity Green Calgary. She...