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Content exporters ask consulting panel for CMF envelope they can access, match

Media | 03/12/2019 7:07 pm EDT

Content exporters ask consulting panel for CMF envelope they can access, matchA trade association for Canadian-based television and content distribution companies is seeking new federal incentives it says would lead to increasing up-front distributor...

Industry association for CanCon exports formed

Media | 11/17/2016 10:45 pm EST

An industry association representing Canadian distributors and exporters of TV and digital content has been formed, with the intention of helping develop content at home and export it abroad.   The Canadian Association of Content Exporters – Association canadienne des exportateurs de contenu (CACE-ACEC) announced its formation and founding members in a Wednesday press release. The group will be “focused on building a more sustainable Canadian industry by supporting a policy framework that encourages risk-taking by internationally competitive Canadian-based content...