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Replies flow to CRTC on Independent Local News Fund

Media | 09/27/2024 4:08 pm EDT

CRTC logo graphic The Wire ReportThe final replies to the CRTC’s review of the independent local news fund (ILNF) offer a wide range of views on how the fund should be administered and who should be eligible for money.  The replies follow the original interventions filed at the beginning of the month....

CPAC CEO says they need increase in funding to maintain core operations beyond September 2026

Media | 07/25/2024 4:35 pm EDT

CPAC CEO says they need increase in funding to maintain core operations beyond September 2026Cable Public Affairs Channel Inc., also known as CPAC, says it needs an increase to the money it receives through a wholesale fee to keep its core operations going as normal...

CPAC announces board changes

Media | 10/03/2023 5:57 pm EDT

CRTC to allow CPAC to participate in Rogers-Shaw hearing  Cable Public Affairs Channel Inc. (CPAC) announced changes to its board of directors as it launches a...

CPAC appoints new president, CEO

Media | 04/29/2022 1:02 pm EDT

CPAC appoints new president, CEOThe Cable Public Affairs Channel Inc. (CPAC) named Christa Dickenson as its president and chief executive...

Delay Rogers-Shaw CRTC hearing until its clear who controls Rogers: PIAC  

Media | 11/01/2021 5:35 pm EDT

Delay Rogers-Shaw CRTC hearing until its clear who controls Rogers: PIAC   The Public Interest Advocacy Centre has asked the CRTC to delay a hearing...

CRTC to allow CPAC to participate in Rogers-Shaw hearing 

Media | 10/13/2021 6:28 pm EDT

CRTC to allow CPAC to participate in Rogers-Shaw hearing The CRTC has granted Cable Public Affairs Channel Inc. -- more widely known as CPAC -- the right to appear at the regulator's hearings into the proposed merger between Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc., scheduled for Nov. 22.  In an Oct. 7 letter to...

CRTC consulting on mandatory carriage renewals

Media | 10/17/2017 3:00 pm EDT

The CRTC will consider mandatory distribution licence renewals for nine television channels when it holds a hearing next year, the regulator said in a Tuesday release. The commission said it will consider the renewal for the...