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LEO projects promise rural, remote broadband in just a few years

telecom | 07/27/2018 3:16 pm EDT

LEO projects promise rural, remote broadband in just a few yearsThree years after a number of big companies first announced they would launch global low-earth-orbit (LEO) systems that would provide internet connectivity to remote areas around the world, that space is getting crowded — including with some Canadian competition. If...

Experts question feasibility of low-orbit satellites for Internet

telecom | 08/25/2015 7:24 pm EDT

Some of the world’s most well-known investors, including Richard Branson and Elon Musk, are betting that new projects that involve putting thousands of satellites into low orbit will bring the Internet to millions of people who don’t have access. While some have indicated these initiatives has could improve access in remote and rural parts in Canada, some experts are skeptical about their chances of success. “It’s challenging to get the business plan right for any of these big...