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Proposed BDU code inconsistent with unregulated OTT: consultant

Media | 03/26/2015 9:04 pm EDT

The CRTC’s proposed new code of conduct for television service providers is at odds with the commission’s stance that it won’t regulate over-the-top (OTT) services, according to broadcast consultant Peter Miller. He said it was “interesting that this regulator still wants to get involved in this level of detail with respect to traditional providers while still saying they’re going to do nothing with over-the-top providers.” The CRTC proposed the consumer code Thursday in its final Let’s Talk TV decision, which it said in a press release would help...

Is broadcasting heading for more litigious environment?

Media | 03/09/2015 5:00 pm EDT

BCE Inc.’s appeal of a CRTC decision to ban the use of simultaneous substitution for the Super Bowl in future years could be a sign of more conflict and court challenges to come as the broadcasting industry awaits further decisions from the CRTC’s Let’s Talk TV review, some experts are warning.  The Super Bowl decision is the second CRTC directive Bell has challenged at the Federal Court of Appeal in recent weeks, following its February challenge of a ruling that compelled it to treat video streamed through its mobile-TV app like any other data, broadcasting consultant...

Bell’s Kevin Crull happy with ‘business case’ for $4 CraveTV

Media | 12/03/2014 9:36 pm EST

The $4-a-month price tag for CraveTV, Bell Media’s new streaming service, is part of the company’s attempt to differentiate itself from competitors, according to Kevin Crull, president of BCE Inc.’s media division. “We’re not duplicating what you currently get from your TV subscription....