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CRTC consulting on broadcast applications

Media | 05/24/2013 5:27 pm EDT

The CRTC opened a consultation on four broadcast applications, including a CBC/Radio-Canada request to operate a new FM radio station in Saskatoon. In a notice Wednesday, the CRTC said it is consulting on a CBC application for a licence for a new English-language CBC Radio One station in Saskatoon. The CRTC said it is also consulting on a request from Hunters Bay Radio Inc. for a licence to operate an English-language, community radio station in Huntsville, Ont. at 88.7 MHz FM. Non-profit group Lillooet Camelsfoot T.V. and Radio Association also applied to acquire local community station CHLS-FM from Radio Lillooet Society in Lillooet, B.C., the commission said. The regulator is also seeking comments on Shaw Communications Inc.’s request to acquire control of the broadcast...