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Joly’s cultural policy continues drawing mixed reaction

Media | 09/29/2017 5:20 pm EDT

Joly’s cultural policy continues drawing mixed reactionVarious groups praised the promised investment in production and promotion included in the federal government's new cultural strategy, while opposition MPs criticized it in question period and financial analysts pointed out the new strategy won’t affect the declining...

Analysts optimistic about Natale at Rogers after Laurence’s surprise exit

Media | 10/17/2016 9:37 pm EDT

In an unexpected move, Rogers Communications Inc. has announced Guy Laurence is no longer CEO of the company and will be replaced by former Telus Corp. CEO Joe Natale, a choice analysts responded to positively Monday. “He’s got a great reputation in Canada within the Canadian telecom space. He did a great job at Telus. He knows the space inside and out. From everything I’ve heard, employees like working with him and he’s just generally considered...