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Small telecoms company fined for CCTS non-compliance

telecom | 05/20/2021 1:54 pm EDT

The CRTC has fined a small telecoms company $15,000 for failing to participate in the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services. On Thursday, the commission released the decision regarding William Robert John McQuaid who owns MySignal.ca Solutions Inc.   The CRTC is giving McQuaid 30 days to pay the fine and requires him  “and any other entity under his effective control that is providing telecommunications services within the mandate of the CCTS, to become a participant in the CCTS within 60 days of the date of the mandatory order.” The CCTS is an independent...

CRTC orders CCTS-avoiding telecoms to explain themselves

telecom | 11/01/2019 4:11 pm EDT

The CRTC has told six small telecoms who have refused to join the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS) they have until Dec. 16 to explain why. It said WISP Internet Services Inc., Golden Rural High Speed, Pure Channel Communications Inc., MySignal.ca Solutions Inc., Redbox Solutions Ltd., and Total Cable Service Inc. have until then to show why they shouldn’t “be found in violation of the Telecommunications Act for contravening the CCTS participation requirement” and face a $50,000 fine. The directors of the companies could also have a $15,000 fine levied...