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CRTC to forbear from regulating IXPL services on 12 additional routes

telecom | 03/25/2022 4:32 pm EDT

STB data measurement complex task, group saysThe CRTC has added a dozen additional routes to its list of interexchange private line (IXPL) services that it is forbearing from regulation. In a decision released Friday,...

Bell Aliant makes concession on Ontera purchase

telecom | 10/01/2014 7:28 pm EDT

The Competition Bureau said Wednesday that Bell Aliant Inc. has responded to the bureau's concerns surrounding its purchase of an Ontario-government-owned telecommunications provider. The bureau said in a press release Bell Aliant has agreed to lease a "significant portion" of Ontera's fibre network in northern Ontario to Eastlink. The bureau said it was concerned the proposed acquisition of Ontera by Bell Aliant would "substantially lessen and/or prevent competition in the sale of wireline telecommunications services in up to 16 northern Ontario communities ... "...