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FRPC seeking CRTC review of public alerting system

Internet and Governance | 05/31/2024 2:06 pm EDT

FRPC seeking CRTC review of public alerting systemThe Forum for Research and Policy in Communications (FRPC) is asking the CRTC to review the broadcasting component of the National Public Alerting System (NPAS). It initially filed the voluminous application in March but revised it Thursday. NPAS, also known as Alert...

Bell’s Wholesale Code appeal, conditions of licence ask face stiff opposition

Media | 08/26/2016 9:14 pm EDT

BCE Inc. has “unclean hands” in its effort to have the Wholesale Code overturned by the federal Appeal Court while simultaneously applying to have removed certain conditions of licence imposed on vertically integrated entities in 2013 by the CRTC during the ongoing licence renewal process, lawyers argued in court documents responding to Bell’s appeal. In a memorandum of fact and law filed at the end of July, lawyers for a group of respondents that...