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There’s space for ‘positive’ political targeting, Wylie tells MPs

Media | 05/30/2018 1:43 pm EDT

There’s space for ‘positive’ political targeting, Wylie tells MPsOTTAWA — Whistleblower and data scientist Christopher Wylie testified at the House ethics committee Tuesday, continuing to allege that data companies acted improperly in...

AggregateIQ denies whistleblower claims to ethics committee

telecom | 04/24/2018 5:39 pm EDT

AggregateIQ denies whistleblower claims to ethics committeeOTTAWA — The heads of West Coast-based software developer AggregateIQ Data Services Ltd. denied a number of allegations over its involvement with SCL Group Inc.’s Cambridge Analytica before a House of Commons ethics committee on Tuesday. AggregateIQ has been closely...